RTI Services Provided
Role of the Speech-Language Therapist
The development of age appropriate speech and language skills provides the foundation for literacy, academic learning, and effective social interactions. In our schools, Speech-Language Therapists* identify, assess, and treat speech and language problems relating to articulation, fluency, phonemic awareness, expressive and receptive language, inter-personal communication, and hearing loss. Both classified and regular education students may receive services, generally in small groups. Therapists may push into classrooms to support a student's ability to access the curriculum and/or generalize strategies used in the therapy room to the larger classroom. Speech-Language Therapists consult and collaborate with classroom teachers, parents, and support staff to provide appropriate services to children. Speech-Language Therapists may collaborate with school psychologists in developing pragmatic language skills necessary for social interaction. Therapists also address assistive technology needs of students including the use of assistive listening devices (FM and infrared systems) and augmentative communication systems (AAC).
· The terms Speech-Language Therapist and Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) are synonymous as used here and on other district documents
RTI services provided:
Tier 1
- Screen all incoming K students
- Participate in the Building Bridges program as requested
- Proctor ELA and State Math Tests as requested
- Staff development concerning issues specific to our area of expertise (e.g. Speaking Rates of Teachers [and their impact on children’s processing abilities]; Developmental Milestones for Kindergarteners [vis a vis articulation skills, phonological awareness, language], etc.)
Tier 2
- Monitor K students who enter school at risk as determined by our screenings or other pertinent information available
- Collaborate with teachers re: students who enter school in need of remediation as determined by failing our screenings but not classified, and assess their progress
- Collaborate and make suggestions re: intervention and materials for teachers who have questions about students they have discussed at their Grade Level Team Meetings
- Model lessons for teachers that address listening skills, social-pragmatic skills, expressive language, pre-literacy skills, etc.
- Push-in to observe students and make recommendations as needed
- Participate in “Lunch Bunch” groups with psychologist for non-classified students when appropriate
- Observe students in “Lunch Bunch” during unstructured times of the day (mainly lunch/recess) as needed
- Participate in developing lesson plans and providing materials to support curriculum
- Communicate with parents on an on-going basis
Tier 3
- Provide direct services through RTI for K students who do not respond to classroom-based support
- Participate as standing members of the IST team
- Provide S/L screenings for students if requested as an outcome of the IST team
- Provide direct services to students who fail the screening and keep data to assess response to intervention
- Continue to communicate with parents on an on-going basis
- Participate in Parent-Teacher conferences
- Participate in 504 meetings and help determine and provide appropriate accommodations (including AT consults; amplification equipment, etc.)
Tier 4
When a student continues to show limited or no progress at Tier 3, there is a referral to the Committee on Special Education. If Speech and/or Language issues are considered to be involved with this student's academic/social development, a Speech and Language evaluation will be conducted.
Speech/Language Therapists help to complete an IEP for the student that reflects current testing and functioning.
If the student meets criteria to be classified by the committee and it is determined that Speech/Language services are warranted at this level of intervention, specific goals are included in the IEP along with the frequency and duration of services.
The Speech/Language therapist is then required to provide remediation according to the IEP and report on progress for the specific goals listed.