For Teachers
Learn about:
Submit an AT Referral to consult about a student or refer them for an AT assessment.
Print Class Handouts for Co:Writer
and Read&Write for Google:
In English and Spanish.
For Parents
Co:Writer and Snap & Read are available for free to families of Mamaroneck students. Learn more here:
Read a letter explaining these programs
in English here and en Español aqui.
- Learn about assistive technology in general from this 2-minute video from Pacercenter.
- Learn how to make use of assistive technology in Mamaroneck.
- Explore our resources. This site has tips, videos, guides, and links to many AT-related resources, both in the district and in general. Also, our Resources Page has links to a variety of AT-related subjects.
La tecnología asistiva
Estamos trabajando en desarrollar nuestros recursos en español. Mientras tanto, si usted quisiera hablar con nosotros acerca de la tecnología asistiva, favor de contactar a María Elena Carullo, quien puede ayudarle a compartir sus preocupaciones y necesidades con nosotros.
Para información general acerca de la tecnología asistiva, favor de leer el artículo “¿Qué es la tecnología asistiva?”.