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Professional Enrichment Fund


The Professional Enrichment Fund has been established to promote wider participation in professional development opportunities provided by out-of-district organizations.  The PEF was created as a result of negotiations to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Mamaroneck Board of Education and the Mamaroneck Teachers’ Association.

This fund will replace the M+60 Grant and Summer Stipend previously administered through the Mamaroneck Teachers’ Institute.  In the past, teachers who had already accrued more than sixty credits toward salary increment could opt to apply for a stipend to cover expenses to attend professional conferences.  This stipend was in lieu of in-service credits.

Through the new fund, all MTA members, regardless of the number of credits accrued toward salary increment, can receive district support to attend professional conferences, seminars, workshops, or courses that contribute to furthering their knowledge of their field.  Proposals to engage in curriculum enhancement may also be considered. Each member can apply for a maximum of $3,000 in professional funds over the remaining years in the current contract to cover one or more professional development activities. The annual allocation for the fund is $30,000.  The support can cover registration fees, and some travel costs, as well as an established meal allowance.  All permissible costs are outlined in Section 2:  “Board Policy #6830, Reimbursements for Travel and Conference Expenses”.  Again, these funds are in lieu of in-service credit.

The Office of the Administrator for Personnel will administer the PEF.  Members must apply for these funds in a timely manner, allowing applications to be reviewed for approval well before the conference starts.

Apply for a PEF Grant



The Mamaroneck Schools Board of Education Policy #6830 clearly outlines regulations around reimbursements for travel and conference expenses.