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MHS Science Department

At Mamaroneck High School, the goal of science instruction is to ensure that all students are provided with the essential skills and knowledge for success in the 21st century. Never before has our world been so complex and science knowledge so critical to making sense of it all. When comprehending current events, choosing and using technology, or making informed decisions about one’s healthcare, science understanding is key. Science is also at the heart of the United States’ ability to continue to innovate, lead, and create the jobs of the future.


With this in mind, the Science department at MHS offers a variety of choices to ensure that our students have access to a wide variety of classes designed to support any aspirations. Our classes give students access to a wealth of knowledge and information which will contribute to an overall understanding of how and why things work like they do.

All classes are lab and inquiry based. In addition, teachers assure that when learning about science, students are also enhancing their skills in reading, writing and math.