Equity in Education
"The thoughtful, intentional and strategic work of the Equity Team has been so impressive and will positively impact everyone in our district. We look forward to engaging all stakeholders in the process of meeting the community's demand for change and acting on measurable goals to ensure equity and access for all students."
- Superintendent Dr. Robert Shaps
Goals and Key Priorities
- Developing inclusive and antiracist curriculum, instruction, and assessment K-12
- Strengthening and creating opportunities, access, and educational quality for all students in our diverse community
- Prioritizing student and community input to dismantle inequitable policies and reframe for equity
Equity Plan
Equity Team Members
The Mamaroneck Equity in Education Leaders (MEELs) will work collaboratively with the District Equity Team (DET) to ensure equitable access, inclusion, and treatment of all students by helping to develop an equitable environment within their school. MEEL representatives will serve as equity leaders within their school community for staff, students, and families supporting opportunities for growth and development for all stakeholders.
Click here to read about the Mamaroneck School District's Equity in Education leaders.
Current Work
Taking On Anti-Racist Work
It is not just enough for one to say he/she is not racist. Our actions must show that we are elevating historically marginalized voices and empowering all students as agents of change. Building on the District’s racial literacy work conducted with students and staff in recent years, the District is committed to doing more — making equity and access a top priority during the 2020-2021 academic year and beyond.
Equity Audit
Read District Equity Audit presented June 7, 2022 by Regional Equity Auditor Kiesha Lamb to the Board of Education and community.
Informe de la auditoría de equidad Distrito Escolar de Mamaroneck 2022
Previous Work
Equity Team Met in Summer, 2020, to Develop Strategic Plan
The District Equity Team (DET) met in mid-July, 2020, for the first of three virtual workshops to reconnect with the NYSED Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Framework and collaborate in smaller subcommittee groups for deeper analysis. As one DET member described it, discussion revolved around “making bold moves and taking action” related to the District’s anti-racism work. An advisory committee and subcommittees were formed, and the strategic plan was developed. See timeline for the Team’s work here and PowerPoint from the group’s professional learning and strategic planning work here.
Special February, 2021 Edition of Tiger Tracks
A series of virtual Community Forums were held inf Fall, 2020 on the District's Multi-Year Strategic Equity Plan goals and outcomes. More info here.
Identifying, Acknowledging and Dismantling Racism
- Identify the ways in which Black and Brown students in our district experience inequities in education
- Acknowledge the voices of students and/or parents who have shared their experiences with racism in our district
- Formulate strategies and take action to address racial issues, disparities and system barriers
Prior to 2019
Read about initiatives across the decade
The Mamaroneck School District sees its diverse student body as one of its greatest assets. The partnerships we have formed with outside organizations over the past 10 years, many of them involving professional development (some on Superintendent’s Conference Days), have had a profound influence on our curriculum. Several key initiatives to confront racism and bias have created impact, including:
Co-op Summer Enrichment: Co-Op is a Mamaroneck School District summer slide intervention program that works to provide equal access to summer learning for all children. MUFSD is dedicated to providing learning opportunities that help reduce the achievement gap between low income students and higher income students. Co-Op serves 72% Hispanic campers, 5% Black, 5% White and 5% Multi-Racial/Other and 13% undeclared. Led by the STEM Alliance with a strong focus on hands-on STEM education, Co-Op does not take a deficit approach to the needs of the campers. Rather, the program offers highly enriching project-based learning to ensure that all Mamaroneck students have the opportunity to participate in high quality summer programming.
Facing History and Ourselves
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Library Audits
Courageous Conversations