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District Goals

The October 11, 2022 BOE meeting reviewed the 2022-2023 District Student Learning Goals, aligned with the District’s mission statement and enduring priorities. In a nutshell, the Board goals work to:

  1. Promote children’s social/emotional learning and development
    - Unify the District’s approach across elementary schools, with consistent set of outcomes
    - Hommocks and Mamaroneck High School Middle Advisory programs promote student belonging 
  2. Advance educational equity. Ensure all students are seen, known, and valued. Ensure all students have access to district programs and educational opportunities to achieve success (two different audits currently being conducted; code-of-conduct being revised; building-level Mamaroneck Equity in Education Leadership - MEEL - model being cultivated, and recruitment and hiring of diverse staff underway)
  3. Develop innovative and authentic curriculum, instruction, and leadership structures that enable high quality teaching and learning (curriculum consistency across schools)
  4. Engage families and the community in supporting children’s learning

Ongoing Multi-Year "Stretch Goals"

WATCH VIDEO (7 min.) of Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Shaps discussing Goals.

Back in September, 2016, the District identified three primary multi-year stretch goals. They are as follows:

All students will read capably and voluminously across genres for a variety of meaningful purposes (e.g., for pleasure, to learn about the world).

The commitment towards this goal can be seen at all school levels -- elementary, middle and high school. The District is seeing dramatic results in individual case studies, where faculty has been making concerted efforts to put the right books in students' hands and alter the quality of literature in classroom libraries across all schools.

Empower each and every family to support their child's learning--

This goal underscores the District's commitment to work with families as partners in supporting students' education and focuses on gathering data around family engagement, working with families to identify positive homework/parenting strategies and designing family engagement plans specific to a child's school level.

Foster community connectedness: ensure that students, families and district staff engage in meaningful, authentic interactions--

This goal includes designing and implementing a range of learning experiences that promote interaction across all four elementary schools and with municipal partners. Dr. Shaps says the community is the heart of the school district and further building community connectedness is key to the District's long-range plan.

Click here for the PowerPoint presentation on Stretch Goals and here (& select Item 8) for LMC-TV’s broadcast of the September 20th Board meeting in its entirety.