
October 2, 2018 Board of Education Meeting Reflects Reduction to Proposed Capital Bond

Following the September 25, 2018 presentation of the proposed capital bond by the District's architecture, engineering & planning firm, the Board of Education requested that LAN further prioritize and reduce overall project costs. The revised plan reflects a $4.62 million reduction to the initial proposal.

Upcoming meetings are scheduled throughout the month of October for community members to learn more about the proposed capital bond and ask questions. The Board is expected to vote on the final bond amount November 6.


Can installation of air conditioning in all spaces be considered for this bond?

In response to parent emails, the Board of Education and Superintendent asked LAN Associates to explore the cost of installing air conditioning in all District spaces as part of the capital bond recommendations.  LAN's calculated costs for air conditioning in all buildings came to $60.4 million, an amount equal to more than the entire amount of the recommended capital bond.  Knowing that classrooms can be uncomfortable on hot days and potentially impact student learning, the Board also asked administration to look into the number of school days  over the past five years that have included 85 degree+ conditions.  In the past five years, the average number of school days 85 degrees and above was 7.4, and the average number of school days included in that number that were 90 degrees or above was 2.

With the exception of Murray Ave. and Chatsworth Ave. schools, each of the District's schools currently have air conditioned areas that can accommodate a larger number of students. To ensure that larger air conditioned spaces are available in each of its schools, the current capital bond proposal includes air conditioning for auditoriums in both Chatsworth Ave. school and Murray Ave. school.  Installation of air conditioning in these spaces was determined more cost-effective than just replacing the air handling units that are currently at the end of their life cycle.


The answer to this question, "Can installation of air conditioning in all classrooms be considered for this bond?", will be posted in the new Superintendent's Inbox. Check the Inbox frequently for answers to other common questions.


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